Navigating Trading Platform
This article gives you an overview of all the things you see in the MyBro Trading Terminal. It will get you oriented on the platform and help you understand what each element means.
The Trading Terminal consists of several components:

Let's take a closer look at each section and what main items there mean:
The first row:
Trading dropdown lets you choose between Conditions and Deposit & Withdrawal options.
Special Offers dropdown is a place where you can check out our Bonus programs and Contests.
Learn and analyze dropdown can help you find our Knowledge Base.
Company dropdown is where you can see About us, Legal, and Contact us categories.
For partners section is for those who are interested in becoming a MyBro affiliate. Do not hesitate to click if you want to be our partner!
Add Funds button is the quickest way to top up your trading account. Notice, you only see this button when you are logged in.
Next to Add Funds button there is a clickable icon with a dropdown menu which lets you choose between Profile, Trade, Accounts info, and Funds options.
You can also see you Client ID there. Up[number] is your Client ID, the one that identifies your user account. There you can get information about commissions, make a statement of your account, and also switch trading modes. One-click trading mode is useful when you need to rapidly send new orders, cancel working orders, and close positions. Double-click trading mode, on the other hand, helps you to avoid impulsive trades and makes you double-check every input.
The second row:
Firstly, here you can see three buttons: "Сhart", "Positions", and "Watchlist". You can add those types of components to your trading terminal by clicking on them or by dragging them to a place in the layout.
Next to those buttons you can see two dropdown menus: "My Account" and "Tools".
You can also click on all of those options or drag them to a place in the layout.
Next there is a toggle button which can help you activate one-click trading.
On the right of the toggle button there is an indicator bar.
Please note that depending on your browser window resolution you might not be able to see all of the indicators at once. To see all of the indicators, click on the indicator bar and drag them left or right.
Balance is your current balance of funds on this specific trading account, displayed in the trading account currency (which you’ve determined when you made the first deposit on this trading account).
When you open a position, your Balance is diminished by the amount of the open fee.
When you close a position with a profit, the profit gets added to your Balance. And, if you close a position with a loss, this realized loss gets subtracted from the Balance.
Equity is the sum of the account Balance and FPL (Floating Profit or Loss). It reflects the value that’s on your trading account at any point in time.
P&L, or Floating Profit or Loss, represents the sum of all open positions’ profits and losses. While positions are open, the metric flows reflecting the price changes and affects the amount of Equity on the account.
Used Margin is how much of the trader’s funds out of the balance went into trading positions (essentially to collateralize them).
Free Margin, or Usable Margin, is how much margin can still be used to open new positions. The more margin you have tied up in the open positions the less remains available for new ones.
Margin Level is an important indicator in trading. It represents a ratio between Equity and Used Margin on a trading account. The higher the margin level the more funds are available for a trader to open more positions.
If you want your trading indicators to be shown in USDT or in BTC, you can easily switch between them using the following button:
LIVE indicator shows the type of your trading account. When you have a DEMO account open, you will see DEMO instead:
Right next to the LIVE indicator, you will see the Account Name, which starts with the letters representing the trading account currency and followed by the numbers unique for this trading account.
By clicking on the Layout button you can save layouts, load your own layouts, and add workspaces to current layout.
By clicking on the Hamburger Menu you can:
- Learn more information on One-click and Double-click trading by clicking on "Trading Terms & Conditions"
- Generate your Account statement
- Activate and deactivate Broker Price Alerts
- Switch reference currency between BTC, USD, EUR, and ETH.
- Switch between Light and Dark themes
Let's take a closer look at all the customizable widgets of MyBro trading platform.
Please keep in mind that you can adjust your platform to your needs by opening different widgets from the second row of the header or by adding tabs in the currently opened widgets. In order to do this click the "+" button next to the widget name:
You can also link some of the widgets to each other. If you check their top right corner, you'll see either a colored square or a chain icon which opens the menu with colored squares. If you click it, you can choose the same color for the widgets you need to be linked and they will be interconnected.
On top of the Chart widget, you can use the search bar to select which currency pair chart you want to be displayed.
In the upper right corner there are more options which can help you adjust the platform to your exact needs:
By clicking on the Hamburger Menu you can tweak the chart settings, show, hide, or remove indicators and drawings, turn on and off the snap mode, zoom in and out, hide or show orders and positions, etc.
If you look at the chart field, the green and red bars, called candles, represent the movements of the prices.
The X-axis represents the time period in the context of the specified time interval on one candle. You can use the slider on the axis to move the displayed time period to look back “into the past”.
The gray bars above the X-axis show the amount of the price changes for each candle.
The Y-axis displays the price range in which the candles on the chart are located.
Now, let’s turn to the widgets on the top part of the Chart from left to right:

Sell button (with price display) allows you to open a Sell (Short) position in a pair indicated on the chart.
Dropdown with numbers is a selection of a default position size. It is also called Lots number. For example, if you select 0.5, when you what to open a position, the default position size in the form will be 0.5. Lots number is given for your convenience, and you can change it anytime.
Buy button (with price display) allows you to open a Buy (Long) position in the pair indicated on the chart.
Dropdown with the time interval lets you choose the time interval for one data point in the chart. If your chart is displayed in candles (the next setting), each candle will display the selected time interval.
Dropdown with candle bars is a selector for the type of chart you want to be displayed. You can choose between Candles (the default setting), Bar and Line.
Dropdown Crosshair with Floating Databox is where you select whether you want to display the crosshair and the relevant price data on the chart when you hover the cursor above it. Your options are to display the crosshair with the databox (the default option), to only display the crosshair or to not display it at all.
Dropdown to open a Limit/Stop order allows you to open a limit or a stop order when you click on a specific price point on the chart.
Dropdown with Drawing Tools provides you numerous instruments for drawing lines and making notes on the chart.
Zoom in and out buttons allow you to see the particular time interval in more details
Button with a Flask is a place where you can customize and add various analytics indicators to the chart.
Button with a Gear is where you can further change the chart settings, configure its Appearance and Paddings.

There are 6 columns in the Watchlist section:
Symbol - shows currency pairs;
Bid - displays Bid prices, also marked as Sell;
Ask - displays Ask prices, also marked as Buy;
Change - price change over the past 24 hours;
Chg% - price change over the past 24 hours as a percentage.
- Description - detailed information on the symbol
By clicking the Hamburger menu in the upper right corner of the Watchlist widget you can customize the columns of the watchlist.
On top of the Chart widget, you can use the search bar to select which currency pair chart you want to be displayed.
You can also customize your watchlist by clicking on the grid icon. If you do so, your watchlist will look like this:
If you scroll down the grid type of Watchlist, at the very end of it you can notice a section with a plus button on it. It will help you to add more instruments on the current Watchlist. To remove the instruments from the Watchlist. Click on the Hamburger menu in the upper right corner of the particular currency pair section and choose the "Сlose instrument" option.Here you will see:
Sell button with the current price, which allows you to open a Short position by clicking on it;
Buy button with the current price, which allows you to open a Long position by clicking on it;
- The numbers above Sell and Buy buttons represent the lowest and the highest prices respectively;
- Spread size is displayed between the Sell and Buy buttons;
Just like in the chart settings, there is a Dropdown with numbers above the Sell and Buy buttons. This Dropdown lets you specify the default position size (or Lots Number) the same way you do in the chart. If you change it here, the number will also update in the chart.
Each currency pair section has other clickable buttons. Their functions are explained on the screenshot below:
In this widget, you will receive the following message types:
Messages about successful actions, like opening and closing of positions with the relevant information, etc;
Messages about Margin Calls;
Messages about unsuccessful actions, such as errors or rejected orders, etc;
Information messages, like one-click trading/regular trading mode activation, planned technical work, etc.
Positions widget shows currently open positions and the key indicators for each of them. You can close a position by pressing an “x” on the right. You can also close all of your positions by pressing the left "x" in the upper part of the widget.
Note: if you double-click on the existing position, you will be able to modify your position’s protection settings, set Stop Loss and Take Profit prices or deactivate them.
Orders widget shows the statuses of the working orders at the moment. You can close an order by pressing an “x” on the right. You can also close all of your orders by pressing the crossed circle in the upper part of the widget.
Order History widget shows the history of the orders you’ve placed for the last week. However, you can choose the desired time range by clicking on the "Time Range" button at the top of the widget. You can also search your order by introducing the Order ID in the search bat in the upper right corner of the platform.
If you want to enable Aggregation, just click on the checkbox at the top of the widget.
You can customize the Order History columns by clicking on the Hamburger menu at the top right corner of the widget.
Trade History widget shows the history of your positions for the chosen time range. You can change the desired time range by clicking on the "Time Range" button at the top of the widget.
You can customize the Trade History columns by clicking on the Hamburger menu at the top right corner of the widget.
This widget shows all of the alerts you have created. By clicking on a dropdown menu you can switch between "All Alerts" and "Active Alerts".
You can customize the columns by clicking on the Hamburger menu at the top right corner of the widget.
If you want to create an alert, you need to click on the "Create Alert" button and fill in al the necessary information in the pop-up window as in the example below:
Trading Journal widget shows the aggregated history of your positions for the chosen time range. You can change the desired time range by clicking on the "Time Range" button at the top of the widget.
It is also possible to switch between aggregated and non-aggregated mode at the top right corner of the widget.
The columns can be customized by clicking on the Hamburger menu at the top right corner of the widget.
Here you can see different trading indicators which can help you analyze your trading strategies more profoundly:
Total Net P&L for the selected period and selected aggregation level (calculated including commission and financing).
Average Daily Net P&L for the selected period and selected aggregation level (calculated including commission and financing).
Risk/Reward Ratio — average proportion of expected risk and reward for the selected period and selected aggregation level.
% Return per the selected period is calculated using Time-Weighted Rate of Return method. % Return can be calculated only for the "closed" periods. It means that if the TO parameter of the requested period is equal to the current date the metric calculation should be introduced for the last closed period (not today).
Average Winning Trade Holding Time — average time spent holding winning trades.
Average Losing Trade Holding Time — average time spent holding losing trades.
Win Rate — winning trades as a % of all trades executed.
Max Drawdown — maximum % of Account Equity decline caused by losses.
Average Winning Trade Net P&L — Average Net P&L across all winning trades.
Average Losing Trade Net P&L — Average Net P&L across all losing trades.
Instruments Traded — total number of closing trades per instrument.
Per Day Traded Net P&L — Average Daily Net P&L for the selected period and selected aggregation level, grouped by weekdays.
Day of the week
Trading Dashboard widget shows the aggregated history of your positions for the chosen time range. You can change the desired time range by clicking on the "Time Range" button at the top of the widget.
You can also refresh your metrics by clicking on the "Refresh Metrics" button.
This concludes the overview of the Trading Terminal and the important concepts you need to understand trading on MyBro. If you are ready to put your knowledge to practice and play around with the tools, head over to the Trading Terminal and see what you can do!